Ro'yhatdan o'tish
Bosh Menyu
Adabiyot [561] |
Arxitektura [40] |
Astranomiya [38] |
Axborot [71] |
Biologiya [387] |
Biznes [47] |
Bojxona [42] |
Davlat Huquq Asoslari [4] |
Dunyo din tarixi [32] |
Ekologiya [109] |
Estetika va Etika [30] |
Falsafa [48] |
Fizika [254] |
Fransuz-Tili [22] |
Geografiya [141] |
Geometriya [6] |
Huquqshunoslik [281] |
Informatika [643] |
Texnologiya [274] |
Internet [43] |
Ingliz tili [680] |
Iqtisodiyot [1133] |
Jahon tarixi [276] |
Jamiyatshunoslik [24] |
Kimyo [82] |
Kasbiy Ta'lim [11] |
Konsitutsiya [60] |
Ma'naviyat [48] |
Matematika [89] |
Milliy G'oya [128] |
Musiqa [2] |
Nemis-tili [30] |
Ona-tili [50] |
Oshpazlik [39] |
O'zbekiston tarixi [197] |
Pedagogika [104] |
Prezident Asarlari [17] |
Psixologiya [149] |
Rus-tili [44] |
Qishloq xo'jaligi [92] |
Siyosatshunoslik [25] |
Soliq va Soliqga tortish [18] |
Tilshunoslik [9] |
Tibbiyot [64] |
Turizm [172] |
va Boshqalar... [332] |
Sport [7] |
Sxemotexnika [13] |
Bosh bet » Referatlar » O'zbek tilida » Ingliz tili |
Bo'limdagi referatlar soni: 680 Ko'rsatildi: 211-240 |
Sahifalar: « 1 2 ... 6 7 8 9 10 ... 22 23 » |
Sortirovka: Дате · Названию · Комментариям · Загрузкам · Просмотрам
Sports in Great Britain | Yuklandi: 1204 |
Sport in Our Life | Yuklandi: 1404 |
Sport in My Life | Yuklandi: 1371 |
Speaking english | Yuklandi: 1461 |
South Africa | Yuklandi: 1101 |
Society and telecommunication. The numeral article.Tthe imperative sentences pronouns phrasal verbs | Yuklandi: 1100 |
Somebody.anything.nowhere etc. | Yuklandi: 1127 |
Some and any | Yuklandi: 1185 |
Society and telecommunication. The numeral article.Tthe imperative sentences pronouns phrasal verbs | Yuklandi: 1097 |
Society and telecommunication perfect tenses | Yuklandi: 1161 |
So am I | Yuklandi: 1141 |
Slangs | Yuklandi: 1020 |
Singular and plural | Yuklandi: 1161 |
SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE | Yuklandi: 1327 |
Simple Future Tense | Yuklandi: 1632 |
SIDNEY | Yuklandi: 1004 |
Should | Yuklandi: 953 |
Shopping | Yuklandi: 1341 |
Sherlock Holmes and Watson | Yuklandi: 1116 |
She said that l | Yuklandi: 1158 |
Semiconductor lasers synonyms antonyms modal verbs | Yuklandi: 1308 |
Secretary of State, George C. Marshall - June 5, 1947 | Yuklandi: 1176 |
Seasons | Yuklandi: 1170 |
Seasons (2) | Yuklandi: 1029 |
SEASON | Yuklandi: 1215 |
Science in Uzbekistan | Yuklandi: 1707 |
School education in USA | Yuklandi: 1276 |
Scholarship to study in India | Yuklandi: 1138 |
Scanners. Voice recognition. To have degrees of adjectives | Yuklandi: 1184 |